03 March, 2011


Have you ever been walking up stairs, not paying attention, and you miss a step?
Your foot thuds down a little harder than necessary,
but there's really no harm done?
(Well, maybe to your pride, but if no one sees, it's really kind of funny.)

I suppose you've also walked down stairs, and maybe missed a step.
Generally, there's a moment of panic and then those blessed neurons fire
and you catch the railing, heart pounding, but uninjured.
Worst case scenario, you do fall, but usually backwards, and there's just a sore tailbone.

Have you ever been shoved down a flight of stairs?
By that bully that really doesn't like you?
Your arms windmill and you're pitching headfirst, a victim of gravity.
When you land, there's a sense of shock, and sharp pain where the bruises will appear.

And maybe for a second, it seems like you can't get up.
Perhaps, you don't really want to.
With grim determination and no tears. (Maybe a wince or two.)
You're back on your feet.

After all, it takes more than a bully to take you out.