20 April, 2010

Keyboard Shield

Had it been two weeks ago, the silence wouldn't have been strange. I wouldn't have been distracted and the Tetris blocks would have fallen as they should. But it's anything but two weeks ago and the blocks pile haphazardly to a Game Over while I stare at the little green dot in the corner of the screen.

The worst part, perhaps is the sinking feeling, the one even I didn't see coming and the unnecessary disappointment. It's not exactly like you're breaking tradition or any such thing. But when our brains shoot into overdrive, it's not often that we get to steer. I have a very vivid imagination. And such mercurial behavior makes me wonder...

When is the world going to grow up and realize we have to face our problems and people face-to-face and not hide behind the anonymity of a glowing screen and hypertext? I'm just as guilty as the rest. Colon parentheses--and I'm not obligated to actually say the words on my mind. Some nonsensical acronym and we're done conversing. Behind our keyboards, we're comfortable and safe and we can say anything without consequence.

It's so much worse to over-analyze black and white text and emoticons than the beautiful subtleties of the human face, human hands. Your gaze, your grasp, your tone and timbre.

Don't you just want to look into someone's eyes and say what needs to be said?


  1. I can't help but get a feeling as to the source of the subject for this entry......either that or it's a very strange coincidence.....

  2. i have to wonder though...because so often when i talk to people even face-t- face, nothing gets said. They ask "how are you", and i say "good". and repeat. society tells us that "good" is the only acceptable answer...i don't think you can entirely blame it on non-face-to-face communication.
